Exploring the Potential of EHRs in Understanding Prodromal Symptoms

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Name of project leader : Rosalind Wang

Project title: Exploring the Potential of EHRs in Understanding Prodromal Symptoms

Team members: Dr Seyhan Yazar from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research; Prof Paul Middleton from the Ingham Institute of Applied Medical Research

Brief summary of your project (200 words maximum): Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease affecting over 33,000 Australians. It is the most common immune mediated disorder affecting the central nervous system. There is no known single cause of MS, but many genetic and environmental factors have been shown to contribute to its development. In this project we will focus on the prodromal phase of the disease. The prodromal phase is a period of possible years leading up to MS manifestation, characterised by psychiatric issues, cognitive impairment, and increased use of healthcare. Correctly identifying the prodromal phase can help with timely initiation of MS targeted treatment. We will be utilising CEDRIC, a database of over 90 million electronic health records (EHR) from South Western Sydney Local Health District, held at the Ingham Institute to identify MS patients and understand the prodromal phase of MS. Partner name/partner contribution (e.g. AusScope/$10000): Garvan Institute of Medical Research; Ingham Institute of Applied Medical Research

CDMS contribution: $10000