Attending the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

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Name of project leader : Wei Xing Zheng

Activity title: Attending the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

Paper accepted or work to be done: The paper was submitted in March 2024 and a decision is expected in July 2024

Brief summary of potential outcomes (200 words maximum): The IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) is the annual flagship conference of the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS). Since the first conference was held in New York City in 1962, the CDC is recognized as the premier scientific and engineering conference dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of systems and control. The CDC annually brings together an international community of researchers and practitioners in the field of systems and control to discuss the latest advancements of the discipline, shape its future directions, and promote its diffusion among the scientific community at large. Note that the CDC was ranked as a Rank A conference in the 2010 ERA Conference Ranking. The submitted paper is concerned with consensus tracking of multi-agent systems under non-ideal actuators and/or Denial-of-Service attacks. This conference travel will lead to the eventual publishing of research articles in ERA ranked journals. Moreover, attending CDC2024 will provide the good opportunity to consolidate existing research collaborations and establish new international research collaborations. More importantly, with the attendance at CDC2024, SCDMS as well as WSU will be identified internationally as being actively involved in leading edge research in the areas of control theory and applications.

CDMS contribution: $5,000.00