Subject Coordinator's Guide

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This guide is for academic and professional staff involved in the coordination of subjects in the School of Computer, Data and Mathematical Sciences at Western Sydney University. It was adapted from the guide from the School of Business and has been developed with input from:

  • Academics performing the role of Subject Coordinator in the School of Computer, Data and Mathematical Sciences.
  • Professional staff in the School of Computer, Data and Mathematical Sciences.

The focus of the guide is on the practical experience of delivering a subject. It contains:

  • Descriptions of key activities, responsibilities and resources.
  • Details of staff and areas involved.
  • Summaries of and links to relevant policies and processes. 

Other administrative activities

System access

Callista (student records system)

Callista is the student records system. It contains information that may be useful to the Subject Coordinator such as whether students have been enrolled in the subject previously and their grades. This information is available upon request from the Student Experience Administration team.

Some academics also have access to Callista; however, the system can require a steep learning curve.

Allocate+ (class lists and timetables)

Allocate+ is the online system that students use to register for tutorials and classes, using a preference system. It will also create a personal timetable and allows the student to view the exam timetable.

For the purposes of subject coordination, the system is also used to obtain class lists. Subject Coordinators are given access to the system and may also request access for the subject teaching staff. Training on the system is available from the Student Experience Administration team.

Leading up to the census date (official deadline for finalising enrolment and fees for each teaching session), the Student Experience Administration team will run out a class list and send it to the Subject Coordinator.

Timetables and tutorial allocation

Several weeks before undergraduate students need to register for classes, class timetables are released for Subject Coordinators to view in Allocate+.

The Subject Coordinator responsibilities are as follows:

  • Review the timetable and ensure the details are correct and appropriate, for example:
    • ensure rooms allocated will accommodate the number of students;
    • ensure that students whose class falls on a public holiday will not be disadvantaged;
    • check that teaching staff will be available at the assigned times.
  • Advise the Student Experience Administration team which tutorials are to be opened.
  • Advise the Student Experience Administration team of the names of teachers for each class.
  • If amendments are not required, advise the Student Experience Administration team that the timetable is approved.
  • If amendments are required, send the changes back to the Student Experience Administration team, who will forward them to the Director, Academic Program for approval.

Following approval, the Student Experience Administration team will advise the timetabling staff. The tutorial timetable is then opened for students to register for specific classes. Registration is opened at least a month prior to the start of session.

Rule Waiver requests

Students may submit an online Rule Waiver Request if they wish to:

  • Enrol in a subject that has requirements or rules they have not met.
  • Apply to enrol in a subject on a campus other than their home campus.
  • Enrol after week two.
  • Enrol in more subjects than the maximum permitted credit points for session.

A student must provide a valid reason for their request, for example, documented evidence of a clash.

The Academic Course Advisor determines the outcomes of requests. The advisor receives an alert email when a Rule Waiver request has been lodged via e-Forms. Once a determination has been made, the student’s details are manually updated by the Enrolments area.

Requests for extension

A student may request an extension of the due date for an assessment by submitting a Request for Extension form directly to the Subject Coordinator.

If a student has been unable to deliver the form to the Subject Coordinator, the Student Experience Administration team can assist by scanning the form to the student’s email account. The student can then forward the form to the Subject Coordinator by email.

The Subject Coordinator assesses the request and advises the student of the outcome via the students Western Sydney email address, as soon as is practicable. If necessary, the coordinator may wish to contact the student to discuss the matter.

Special Consideration

Special Consideration is given to students whose performance during the teaching session, in an assignment or in an exam has been affected by serious misadventure, accident or extenuating circumstances beyond their control.

Special Consideration does not exempt students from achieving subject learning outcomes, or allocate additional marks or change grades. Instead, it provides alternative ways in which students may be assessed so they are not disadvantaged. It also means that those circumstances are taken into account when calculating grades.

Special Consideration process

  1. Students apply for special consideration using the Special Consideration and Deferred Exam eForm. Electronic copies of supporting documentation must be attached to the form.
  2. The eForm is received by Student Central, who reviews the supporting documentation to ensure it is within policy. If special consideration meets policy Student Central forward the application to the Subject Coordinator for assessment and outcome.
  3. If the special consideration request has met policy, the relevant Subject Coordinator receives an email alert that the application is awaiting action.
  4. The Subject Coordinator assesses the application, determines the outcome and completes and submits the application form.
  5. The student receives an email advising outcome of application.

Assessing an application

The following guidelines apply to the Subject Coordinator’s assessment of an application for in-teaching-session applications, or for Final/Deferred exams:

  • The Subject Coordinator assesses and approves all applications except Re-assessable Fail and Final Deferred Examination related requests.
  • If the application applies to a deferred exam, once the Subject Coordinator has assessed the application, the Dean (or nominee) will need to provide final approval.
  • The Subject Coordinator must be satisfied that the reasons and documentation provided by students are truthful and have not been altered.
  • A student may be interviewed if this will assist in making the decision.
  • Consult the relevant Academic Course Advisor or Director, Academic Program, if necessary, for advice.
  • If a Special Consideration application is upheld, the Subject Coordinator determines the most appropriate action, e.g. a supplementary exam or aggregating completed assessment tasks (except for Re-assessable Fail or Final Deferred Exams). The policy lists the possible outcomes.

Review of Grade

Students may apply for a review of grade if they believe their performance in a subject was compromised by one of the following factors:

  • The Subject Coordinator did not provide a subject outline as required.
  • The assessment requirements as specified in the subject outline were varied in an unreasonable way, or prejudicially applied to the student.
  • A student is of the view that a clerical error has occurred in the computation of the grade.
  • Due regard has not been paid to the evidence of illness or misadventure.
  • A clerical error has been made in the calculation of the mark/grade.

Students are encouraged to first discuss the matter with the academic staff member who responsible for the marking of the assessment item. If the student believes an error persists, they may lodge a Review of Grade eForm through Western Central.

The Subject Coordinator reviews the application and provides a written response. The Dean (or nominee) considers the student’s application and the response from the Subject Coordinator and makes a determination.

Supplementary assessments

Clause 54 of the University’s Assessment Policy states that students will be eligible to apply for a supplementary assessment attempt where they:

  1. have failed a subject either by failing one item with an assessment weighting of less than 50% or multiple items whose cumulative total amounts to less than 50% of the marks available and
  2. have come within 5% of the passing grade for the subject (scoring 45-49%).

Students who have failed the subject due to a finding under the Student Misconduct Rule will not be eligible for a supplementary assessment.

Further information and information on how to apply for a supplementary assessment is found in the Supplementary Assessments FAQ

Special Consideration / Review of Grade

Students who have been granted a supplementary exam as a result of their application of either special consideration or review of grade being upheld, will be included in the same sitting as for final subject supplementary exams.

Subject Coordinators are to advise the Student Experience Administration team of the details of students who have been granted a supplementary exam.

Change of grade

Once a student’s grade for a teaching session is finalised, any change (such as if the grade was ‘incomplete’) must be approved by the Director, Academic Program (or nominee, if the Subject Coordinator performs this role).

The process is:

  • The Subject Coordinator logs into the Student Management System
  • Choose "Workflow" from the set of systems
  • Click "New Case", "Change of Grade", "Start Case"
  • Enter the student details and the new grade and submit to be approved.

See Also