Subject Quality
At the end of each year Subject Coordinators should complete a review of the subject in conjunction with the Director, Academic Program which may include:
- Data from the student feedback on the subject (SFU) and teacher (SFT) surveys.
- A discussion of issues that may have impacted on subject outcomes.
- Actions planned to address sessional staff with low evaluations.
- Areas identified as needing action.
- Planned actions for improvement.
Student feedback on the subject (SFU) and teacher (SFT)
The University collects student feedback via the following surveys, distributed at the conclusion of each teaching session.
- Student feedback on subject (SFU): An online survey that allows students to provide feedback on subject content and design, learning guides, teaching methods and materials, and assessments. A link to the survey is emailed to students by the Office of Quality and Performance and reminders will be placed on each vUWS site.
- Student feedback on teaching (SFT): An online survey that allows students to evaluate the teaching of their lecturer. Individual teachers who wish to participate may complete an online order for survey forms. The School of Computer, Data and Mathematical Sciences has a requirement that all sessional staff conduct an SFT survey every time they teach.
Subject Coordinator responsibilities
Subject Coordinators have a number of responsibilities in regard to SFUs. These include discussing the survey results with other academics and professional staff involved in the subject, and using the results to identify ways to improve the subject quality. SFT survey results are reported to individuals only however staff should discuss their results with the supervisor as part of their professional development. Refer to the policy for the full list of responsibilities.
Obtaining past feedback
Past SFU feedback and statistics (if available) can be obtained from the Office of Quality and Performance Surveys Team.
Assurance of Learning (AoL)
In support of the School’s AoL process, course learning outcomes (CLOs) and related criteria are mapped to specific subjects. Check the relevant CLO map for your subject and major.
If your subject is responsible for one or more CLO criteria, you will need to do the following actions. All of these actions should be performed in consultation with the Curriculum Advisor:
- Map the criteria to an appropriate assessment task. Your subject may be responsible to Introduce, Develop, or Assure the criteria.
- Add the matching rubric criteria and standards to the existing rubric for the assessment.
- Ensure the rubric wording suits the task, or adjust accordingly. Any changes to the rubrics need to be agreed with the Curriculum Advisor.
- Design / ensure a process to extract the results of each specific CLO criteria from the larger rubric. Contact the School’s Curriculum Advisor if you require assistance.
- Plan suitable classroom activities to Teach, Practice, and / or Assess the criteria.
- Ensure that the relevant information is included at the appropriate places in your learning guide for each semester.
- Be prepared to report on the CLO criteria assessment when requested. This includes:
- Ensure that all teaching staff are aware of duties pertaining to marking using CLO rubrics.
- Participate in Closing the Loop to promote continuous improvement.