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{ "batchcomplete": "", "continue": { "lecontinue": "20240615002558|70", "continue": "-||" }, "query": { "logevents": [ { "logid": 80, "ns": 0, "title": "Embracing Generative AI in Computing and Maths Education", "pageid": 63, "logpage": 63, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Lapark", "timestamp": "2025-02-10T23:58:41Z", "comment": "Created page with \"As computing, data science and mathematics education continues to evolve, incorporating generative artificial intelligence (AI) into university curricula presents both opportu...\"" }, { "logid": 79, "ns": 2, "title": "User:Nick", "pageid": 0, "logpage": 0, "params": { "userid": 18 }, "type": "newusers", "action": "byemail", "user": "Wikiman", "timestamp": "2024-12-09T09:25:28Z", "comment": "A new user is needed." }, { "logid": 78, "ns": 0, "title": "STEM Teaching Reading/Doing Group", "pageid": 62, "logpage": 62, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Lapark", "timestamp": "2024-07-24T09:04:36Z", "comment": "Created page with \"<span id=\"purpose\"></span> = Purpose = The purpose of this reading/doing group is to get CDMS lecturers thinking about different teaching methods which will hopefully lead to...\"" }, { "logid": 77, "ns": 2, "title": "User:Nishanthi", "pageid": 0, "logpage": 0, "params": { "userid": 17 }, "type": "newusers", "action": "byemail", "user": "Wikiman", "timestamp": "2024-07-12T02:45:41Z", "comment": "" }, { "logid": 76, "ns": 2, "title": "User:Mehdi", "pageid": 0, "logpage": 0, "params": { "userid": 16 }, "type": "newusers", "action": "byemail", "user": "Wikiman", "timestamp": "2024-07-12T02:45:11Z", "comment": "" }, { "logid": 75, "ns": 2, "title": "User:ChngWei", "pageid": 0, "logpage": 0, "params": { "userid": 15 }, "type": "newusers", "action": "byemail", "user": "Wikiman", "timestamp": "2024-07-12T02:44:39Z", "comment": "" }, { "logid": 74, "ns": 0, "title": "Information for new students", "pageid": 61, "logpage": 61, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Lapark", "timestamp": "2024-07-12T01:21:24Z", "comment": "Created page with \" Useful things to know before starting a degree in the School of Computer Data and Mathematical Sciences. Welcome and Congratulations! This is where the fun starts. <span id...\"" }, { "logid": 73, "ns": 0, "title": "Academic Program Adviser", "pageid": 60, "logpage": 60, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Rosalind", "timestamp": "2024-06-26T01:58:21Z", "comment": "Created page with \"* Rule waiver * Study plan * Student transfer from within WSU * transfer from outside WSU * advanced standing / credit transfer\"" }, { "logid": 72, "ns": 0, "title": "Expectations for Academic Integrity", "pageid": 59, "logpage": 59, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Lapark", "timestamp": "2024-06-20T06:26:18Z", "comment": "Created page with \"Taken from the Web page [ Setting and Communicating Clear Expectations for Academic Integrity] by Lisa G. Bullard In an...\"" }, { "logid": 71, "ns": 0, "title": "Visit of External Academic: Associate Professor Fady Alnajjar", "pageid": 58, "logpage": 58, "params": {}, "type": "create", "action": "create", "user": "Yi", "timestamp": "2024-06-15T00:26:57Z", "comment": "Created page with \"Name of project leader : Omar Mubin Activity title: Visit of External Academic: Associate Professor Fady Alnajjar Paper accepted or work to be done: The primary objective o...\"" } ] } }